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What Happened to James Chasse: Grand Jury Considers 'Criminal Liability' In Chasse Case

Monday, October 9, 2006

Grand Jury Considers 'Criminal Liability' In Chasse Case


A grand jury will continue to look into the death of James Chasse Monday. As Kristian Foden-Vencil reports, Chasse died shortly after being subdued by Portland Police.

Police say they saw Chasse acting oddly - as if he were on drugs or had a mental disorder. When they walked up to him, he ran off.

Officers say one of them pushed Chasse to the ground. Witnesses tell a different story, however, saying the three officers forcefully tackled Chasse and landed on top of him, repeatedly kicking and punching him.

An autopsy showed his chest had been 'flattened' and 26 bones broken. No alcohol or drugs were found in Chasse's system.

Police spokeswoman, Catherine Kent, says the grand jury will decide the narrow issue of 'criminal liability.'

Catherine Kent: "After the findings are released by the district attorney's office, Chief Sizer will hold a press conference."

Portland Police Chief Rosie Sizer has asked for the public's patience during the grand jury proceedings. The panel is expected to issue its findings this week.

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