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What Happened to James Chasse: Autopsy: No Drugs, Alcohol In Man Who Died In Police Custody

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Autopsy: No Drugs, Alcohol In Man Who Died In Police Custody


The family of James Chasse Jr. has released the autopsy report detailing Chasse's physical condition at the time of his death.

Attorneys for the family of the man who died Sept. 17 in police custody call the 21-page autopsy report remarkable. They say it sheds light into the excessive force used by officers.

Initially, reports indicated that Chasse's death may have been the result of illicit drugs, but toxicology tests later confirmed that no drugs or alcohol were found in his body.

The medical examiner's report lists Chasse's injuries, which include multiple broken ribs, which led to a punctured lung and other internal injuries. The official cause of death is accidental blunt-force trauma to the chest.

A grand jury is looking at evidence in the case and considering possible criminal charges for the officers involved.

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